HCC Whitewater 9010

Reg: AAA 19870506 | DOB: 09/15/19 | Tattoo: 9010


Koupals B&B Identity

Mill Brae Identified 4031

Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092

HCC Whitewater 9010

Silveiras Conversion 8064

Rock Creek Sara 6066

H P C A Confidence A322

Clean fronted, long spined, big hipped and wide topped, Whitewater’s combination of “Show Ring” phenotype and elite EPDs elevate him in a class of his own. The total package of Calving Ease, Growth, Carcass quality and top 25% or better for every index calculated.The $280,000 high selling bull in the 2021 Hink.


  • $100/straw

  • $50/straw @ 100+ units

epd information